Archive | August, 2009

Social Vibe

31 Aug

If you scrool down to the side bar and click Social Vibe you can help out! Not many sites have DO something to help out so you may not know it help teens in boot camp show passions for their personal interests. This is a great cause and all you have to do is rate a video and the sponser donate at least 2 hours and 5 dollars for everytime you enter. You can help as many times as you want! So far I have raised over $7,000!!!

Thanks for helping,


News All Sorts of currents events…

31 Aug

I wanted to try posting multiple articles so you can choose what seems interesting. I am just testing this out if you like the old way better let me know.

Calif. wildfire heads north, threatens thousands

New flu hit estimated 10 percent of New Yorkers

Bush daughter Jenna Hager becomes ‘Today’ reporter

Jon Gosselin’s Wet and Wild Weekend in Las Vegas

‘Wizards’ helps Disney

Space shuttle reaches space station for 9-day stay

Japan Industrial Production Up 1.9 Percent in July

Giants sweep Rockies, move into wild-card tie

Drought not expected to affect dove season

I have given a variety of news I hope atleast one article interests you.

If not tell me what to add.



Chula Vista to the World Series

30 Aug

By Nancy Kercheval

Aug. 30 (Bloomberg) — Chula Vista, California, faces Taiwan tonight for the Little League World Series championship.

Andy Rios hit a grand slam yesterday as Chula Vista, representing the West, beat Southwest entrant San Antonio 12-2 at South Williamsport, Pennsylvania.

After a nine-run first inning that included homers by Luke Ramirez and Bulla Graft, Chula Vista added three more runs to force an end to the game after 3 ½ innings under the 10-run rule.

Chula Vista will try to extend a four-year winning streak for U.S. teams in the Little League championship. Taiwan, representing Asia-Pacific, advanced to the title game with a 9-4 victory over Mexico.

Full News Shows, Clips, and Spoilers Below.

29 Aug

Watch Full Episodes of The Colbert Report (updated weekly) CLICK HERE

Watch Full Episodes of The Daily Show With Jon Stewart (updated weekly) CLICK HERE

Clips of The Real Time with Bill Maher (may not work with some browsers) CLICK HERE or Watch Old full episodes of Bill Maher CLICK HERE

Reviews and Spoilers of Larry King Live CLICK HERE

Watch Popular Full Episodes of Fox News CLICK HERE

Watch Full Episodes of All CNBC shows CLICK HERE

Watch All Shows on Fox News CLICK HERE

More shows to come later….

Thanks for reading,


Clarification on the Edward M. “Ted” Kennedy.

29 Aug

I read through 2 or 3 articles and Edward Moore “Ted” Kennedy is a U.S. Senator who died Tuesday. Articles have mentioned him as Edward m. Kennedy and Ted Kennedy so that must have been why there was confusion. I did read up on the news but it is confusing so if you would like to hear my take keep reading if not click HERE for you to hear this in reporters’ words.

First A little about Ted Kennedy…

-He attended Harvard for college then became a Senator.

-He entered Senate at age 30 in 1962.

-His older brother is John F Kennedy

-He had a brain tumor in May 2008 that limited his experiences in Senate and died Tuesday.

Article from Washington Post. which is a good article if you are confused….

Washington Post Staff Writers
Saturday, August 29, 2009

Edward M. Kennedy’s colleagues say the question that has been building since his death Tuesday is not so much who will replace him — no one can. It is what lesson his brand of liberalism holds for today’s anxious Democrats……Still interested???? Read More!

Thanks for reading,


Confused on Kennedys

28 Aug

I am not intending to not sound my smartest but I haven’t watched the news in two weeks.(wow its been long!) So today I went on my computer and there are two Kennedys. Ted Kennedy and Edward M. Kennedy. You can see what I am talking about here. Sorry I can’t say more I wish I could but if you have an answer please explain to me below. If there is no answer when I start college next week my professor will probably answer this.


Kristin Herrara (you can call me Katrina)

Swine Flu

28 Aug

I honestly have no I de what its about but if this interests you feel free to read the whole article >>>> HERE

I did not read the article so I am not positive it is true.

Thanks for reading,


Madonna Booed at Concert

28 Aug



BUCHAREST, Romania – At first, fans politely applauded the Roma performers sharing a stage with Madonna. Then the pop star condemned widespread discrimination against Roma, or Gypsies — and the cheers gave way to jeers.

The sharp mood change that swept the crowd of 60,000, who had packed a park for Wednesday night’s concert, underscores how prejudice against Gypsies remains deeply entrenched across Eastern Europe.

Despite long-standing efforts to stamp out rampant bias, human rights advocates say Roma probably suffer more humiliation and endure more discrimination than any other people group on the continent.

Sometimes, it can be deadly: In neighboring Hungary, six Roma have been killed and several wounded in a recent series of apparently racially motivated attacks targeting small countryside villages predominantly settled by Gypsies.

To read more, click here.

Obama yet to visit Central Valley, at a time when he is most needed

27 Aug

By: Nicco Capozzi

President Obama has yet to visit California’s Central Valley. As a presidential candidate, Obama likewise never made a trip to the region. As a candidate, Obama’s tactic was to visit the political powerhouses of Los Angeles, San Francisco, and similar money havens while leaving untouched the millions of voters residing in the Central Valley—the nation’s breadbasket.

The campaign has come and gone and the Central Valley needs President Obama’s leadership, his political influence, and his vision for change. California faces an unprecedented deficit, an amount that far exceeds the entire spending packages of several states. Though the national media reports on California’s bad news, very few outside the state realize just how big of an impact California’s problems have on the nation as a whole. Most states are having difficult times, but none compares to California’s economy—an economy so big it ranks in the top ten for the world. Moreover, in California resides one out of every eight Americans, accounts for nearly 13 percent of the nation’s GDP ($1.7 trillion as of 2006), and is as big economically as Italy, Russia, Spain, and Canada.

California is hurting. In July, the state’s unemployment rate topped 12.1 percent, retail sales are continually slumping, and the housing market solution seems forever out of reach. In 2008, personal income dropped for the first time since the Great Depression; with this, revenues from income tax dropped nearly 34 percent during the first months of the year. California also has the nation’s largest auto retail industry to which declining sales are now widespread. Not to mention the water crisis, which could potentially turn into one of the biggest problems California has ever faced. In fact, Governor of California Arnold Schwarzenegger petitioned President Obama in June to declare California’s drought a national emergency. The White House denied the petition and Schwarzenegger has asked for reconsideration—the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has not distributed disaster funds for drought to California since 1977.

California’s slumping economy hits the Central Valley counties especially hard, chiefly because of the water crisis. Water is the lifeblood of the valley’s 42,000 square miles (about the same size as Tennessee). More than 6.5 million people live in the Central Valley—the fastest growing region in California.

The valley is indispensable to California and California is indispensable to the nation. By a matter of simple logic then, it is plain that the Central Valley is indispensable to the nation. California’s agriculture is a $36.6 billion industry that generates at least $100 billion in related economic activity; this makes the state the fifth largest supplier of food and agriculture commodities in the world. California is also the leading dairy state, which generated $47 billion for the state in 2004 and employed over 434,000 people.

Concerning California agriculture, the Central Valley is the chief player. Occupying less than 1 percent of total U.S. farmland, the valley produces 8 percent of the nation’s agriculture. Therefore, 8 percent of the nation’s nearly 300 million residents rely on the Central Valley. And the valley relies on its water, and one-sixth of all irrigated land in the U.S. is in the Central Valley.

To take it one-step further, agriculture is the primary industry in Fresno County, and with over a million residents, it is one of the biggest counties in the Central Valley. In 2007, agriculture production in Fresno County totaled $5.3 billion—the largest agricultural county in the nation. Therefore, since the nation’s needs California, California and the nation needs the Central Valley, and Fresno is a vital player in the Central Valley, the nation and California need Fresno.

So why has Fresno and its sister counties received so little attention by the Obama administration? Why has Obama never stepped foot in Fresno or in the Central Valley? As mentioned, the answer is simple—money and politics. Compared to San Francisco, Los Angeles, and a few other mega metropolitan areas, the Valley has very little to offer Obama—at least that is the conventional wisdom. What Obama has failed to realize is that the 2008 election was close in the Valley and many would be McCain voters simply did not vote in the election. The Central Valley contains nearly 7 million voters and Obama won California by 3 million. He carried Fresno with less than 1 percent of the vote.

Sure the state has received federal stimulus funds and the administration is beginning talks over the water crisis but much more needs to be addressed and accomplished. If there were one state that was vital to the nation’s recovery, it would be California. And if California is to receive the attention it deserves, the Central Valley and Fresno deserve the same attention. Funds can be channeled and discussions can ensue but what is really needed is bold and unfettered support, direction, and leadership from the Obama administration. As the saying goes, ‘a journey of 1000 miles begins with a single foot step,’ President Obama needs to take his first step into the Central Valley. Otherwise, the journey to recovery will be but one more step out of reach.

Courtesy of:

Found By: Lili

(be sure to help with Social Vibe)

Bill O’Reilly and Jon Stewart Feud.

25 Aug

Comment below and tell me what you think. Youtube Channel of Video creator click here.

Video Found by: Lili

Thanks for reading,
