Archive | 11:18 pm

Missing baby was locked in chest for 12 hours

5 Nov

From: CNN

Note:  May be slightly scary to those under 8. I am so glad she was found very happy story.


(CNN) — A 7-month-old baby was locked in a 2-by-3 foot cedar chest hidden underneath her aunt’s bed for 12 hours before police found her Wednesday night, a Florida sheriff said Thursday.

Shannon Lee Dedrick, who had been reported missing four days earlier, is in good condition, Washington County Sheriff Bobby Haddock said

“There was no bottle, just a blanket to cover [her],” Haddock said. “She was healthy…she was just wide open and surprised.”

Police think Crystina Lynn Mercer gave her daughter to the baby’s paternal aunt, Susan Baker, a day before reporting her missing, Haddock said. Both women have been charged in connection with the incident.

Baker, who also babysits the child, met with Mercer on Friday and asked if she could permanently take custody of the infant, Haddock said.

“Susan Baker took custody of Shannon from her mother sometime in the hours of October 31st,” he said.

That morning, Mercer reported her baby missing to police.

Both women have been charged with interference of child custody, a third-degree felony. They also were charged with making a false report of a missing child, a false report of a crime and contributing to the delinquency of a child, all misdemeanor charges. Mercer has been charged with desertion of a child, and Baker has been charged with child neglect with aggravated circumstances, both felony charges.

Haddock offered no suspected motive.

Baker’s husband was also in custody, but he was released without being charged, Haddock said.


International News: Mexico (En Espanol)

5 Nov

Note to English Speaking Viewers I will see if I can find a way too translate this article.

From: Yahoo Spanish

In English the title reads “Mexican Government Revises Schedule for Agricultural Benefit Used for Drug Trafficking”

I used a translator if it is wrong please let me know!

Gobierno Mexicano Revisára Programa de Subsidios Agrìcolas Usado Por Narcos

11/4/09 5:00 pm

México, 4 nov (EFE).- El Gobierno mexicano anunció hoy que “actualizará” el directorio del Programa de Apoyos Directos al Campo (Procampo), cuestionado por haber entregado ayudas económicas a tierras usadas por narcotraficantes, un proceso que concluirá en marzo de 2011 y costará unos 42,4 millones de dólares.

La Secretaría de Agricultura de México (Sagarpa) indicó en un comunicado que actualmente el Procampo “tiene un directorio de beneficiarios del orden de los 2,7 millones”.

Según la dependencia, es necesario actualizar los datos del programa, entre otras cosas, por “la dinámica que ha mostrado el sector agropecuario debido a la creciente migración rural, el crecimiento urbano sobre áreas agrícolas, el cambio generacional de los productores y la dinámica en la regularización de la tenencia de la tierra”.

El Gobierno invertirá 560 millones de pesos (42,4 millones de dólares) para renovar la información de 4,1 millones de predios inscritos actualmente en Procampo, los cuales ocupan 14,2 millones de hectáreas.

El proceso de actualización de datos consistirá en la verificación de los terrenos elegibles para recibir subsidios de Procampo, lo que implica identificar a cada propietario, revisar los documentos que acreditan la posesión legal de las tierras y establecer la ubicación precisa de cada predio.

El Gobierno mexicano admitió en julio pasado que algunas tierras subvencionadas a través de ese programa eran usadas para cultivos ilícitos, en respuesta a la denuncia de un diario mexicano de que familiares de narcotraficantes y de importantes políticos recibían ese apoyo gubernamental destinado supuestamente para ayudar a los pequeños campesinos.

En primer lugar, las autoridades verificarán a los propietarios de los predios de los estados de Aguascalientes, Baja California, Baja California Sur y Colima, en el periodo comprendido entre los meses de noviembre del presente año y enero de 2010.

La segunda etapa, que inicia en febrero de 2010, cubrirá los estados de Coahuila, Chiapas, Chihuahua, Distrito Federal, Durango, Estado de México, Guanajuato, Guerrero, Hidalgo, Jalisco, Michoacán, Nayarit, Oaxaca, Puebla, Querétaro, San Luis Potosí, Sinaloa, Sonora, Tamaulipas, Tlaxcala, Veracruz, Yucatán y Zacatecas.

Finalmente, en una tercera y última etapa se atenderán los estados de Campeche, Morelos, Nuevo León, Quintana Roo y Tabasco, a partir de octubre de 2010.

El programa tiene estimado concluir en marzo de 2011.

Procampo otorga 1.300 pesos (98,4 dólares) a los productores de menos de cinco hectáreas (unos 1,86 millones de productores) y hasta 100.000 pesos (7.575 dólares) a los agricultores con más tierras.

Gorgeous Photo

5 Nov

This photo is from Oregon Rose Garden me and my sister took pictures I am not sure who took this one though!



What is REALLY true? (H1N1)

5 Nov

Note to everyone: I know I am saying the media is making a big deal but I am posting a lot about it. The only reason for this is I keep getting emails from news sites in my spam about H1N1 and my first 20 viewer messages forwarded to me were about H1N1.

Examples of False/Fake/(for)Publicity Alert Headlines:

Cat in Iowa had H1N1; may be 1st case in dogs or cats– I am not saying it is untrue but it is really trying to freak out pet owners what they don’t realize is this is most likely not Swine Flu more than likely another virus spread by pets.

H1N1 Virus Goes Global– I remember perfectly hearing this started in Latin America…so doesn’t that mean it was always global. The regular flu is also global.

Why Kellogg Is Ceasing Packaging Boasting ‘Immunity’– So now Kellogg is supporting swine flu or another rumor? The thing is during flu season each year Kellogg usually does something like this.


Mom, 31, Dies From H1N1 Weeks After Giving Birth to First Child– Pregnant women it is true have a better chance of emergency but be realistic millions of pregnant women in the USA very few have died.

Four Additional H1N1 Deaths Confirmed in Iowa– It seems Iowa and Kentucky alway total up deaths. Really there are over 1 million people 11 have died. Not a big chance

(un) Stress Your Self

My family members have had almost 50% of kids in school have H1N1. From what I have heard they all returned to school with-in 3-7 days. Again the same percentage of deaths in the US so far are similar to the regular flu’s deaths.

I hope this lowers your stress if you are still REALLY concerned speak to your doctor.


(written all by Lili no intent of taking away False Links viewers links included)