Tag Archives: post

Almost 200th Post

22 Feb

Yeah…I just wanted to let you guys kn0w 🙂

Questions for viewers…

6 Dec

First I am saying we may take a holiday break or just have one post per day by only one user. Let us know if you will be dramatically mad if we do that.

What will you do for Christmas?

How, What,Where, When for your Holiday shopping?

What recipes are you cooking up?

If Lili Lately spent time on a holiday recipe piece would you tell your friends and family?

Thanks for answering if you do….I want to get advice from viewers.


Letting you know about break.

28 Nov

So honestly even though I love news not every post has to be about news. You know what I mean right. So I am just letting you know what I did over break.


Rosie (rosierosiered)


My Diary

Saturday-Tuesday: Slept then worked. Yep ordinary day

Wednesday-Friday: So I had a 3 day break. Flu down to Miami for a dinner. Guess what on Friday now this is crazy. Went to Walmart (yes I know I don’t usually do this crap but it was raw as heck.) But hey I got a new Plasma TV. But I guess I went there because they didn’t have any other option.

Today: Worked and now typing.

So my 3 day break was great what about you.????

Comment or email us lililately.viewer@gmail.com